Low Profile Mod for BlueROV2

Low profile ROV mod

Low Profile Mod

Deploying BlueROV2 in confined environments can be a tricky task. Not only you have to be constantly aware of your tether position, but there is always a risk of ROV catching something with it’s protruding elements such as Lumen Lights and get stuck underwater. 

Compact Size

This mod makes your BlueROV2 extremely low profile by repositioning top Lumen lights inside custom made cavities in the buoyancy foam blocks. While bottom lights are positioned in the same mounting holes but within the frame.


A section of buoyancy foam ballast is getting a cavity that top Lumen lights are placed. We use denser buoyancy foam to compensate for removed material maintaining excellent hydrodynamical properties and handling. Wiring is routed through the frame keeping the build clean.


  • Tangle free missions. No more seaweed scooping
  • Extra payload mounting points on the sides
  • Compact easy to transport size
Low Profile Mod for BlueROV2

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