RoboBoat 2022
What is RoboBoat?
RoboBoat is an international student competition. Teams from around the world design autonomous, robotic boats (or ASVs) to navigate through a challenge course.
Navigate real-world challenges.
Aside from demonstrating some impressive maritime maneuverability, these student-built boats are designed to tackle tasks that mimic real-world challenges facing the maritime industry. These challenges include coastal surveillance, port security and other types of oceanographic operations.
Lifelong friends and international recognition. All in the same boat.
Along the way, students gain real-world exposure by tackling ‘big boat’ challenges seen in the robotics industry. Not to mention they’ll be making friends, competing for prizes and having some high-caliber fun.
2022 Competition brought together bright and enthusiastic young engineers from all around the world. Every one with their own unique approach to the challenges of this year. One of which was unforgiving Florida heat. Teams from colder parts of the world had to improvise additional cooling methods on site. And most of them refused to function properly out in such a bright sunlight.
FieldWerx tech team was assigned to be a competition mentor. Meaning any member of any team may approach with a question if some difficulty should occur. This is especially challenging as mentors must not pick sides or favorites and provide equal support to every team that requires it.
Tags: Field Gear, RoboBoat, Robonation, STEM